La Cumbre de la GastronomÃa (The peak of gastronomy) is the second graphic of the series devoted to new Spanish cuisine.
The main motif is a huge plate with the shape of a map of Spain, on which a series of test tubes rest with the most relevant dishes of famous chefs from each region. With this reference to the lab world, the experimental nature of the national cuisine in the last years is emphasized. The faces of the chefs, obtained by a duotone reproduction of the photographs, are presented as the shadows of the test tubes, which have been modelled and texturized on 3ds Max.
Just as in “The new Spanish cuisineâ€, one of the major difficulties was to create a plan view of the recipes, since all the photographs had been taken in perspective. It was necessary to distort and re-draw the ten plates in Photoshop. Some images were also touched up in order to explain the techniques used, on the top left side, and to show the tools used, on the bottom right side, in which grey and blue are combined. These two tones are the only ones attached to the recipes, which play the leading role in the illustration.